Buckholderia terrae

This is an camera shot taken by submarine from an area assumed to be inaccessible to humans. However, given that the full moon is in retrograde, our team was able to pay off the seadog creature guard at the mouth of the cave, Bukholderia terrae, to gain access. At first thought to be a sea snail covered in ice and rock, we were tipped off by today’s horoscope in the Daily Reader.

What you are looking at is evidence that the origin of our species is not an ape, but a creature with bright yellow hair, icy growths along its sides and mouth area. When country music is vibrated through the water and into its fur, our ancestor emits a yodel in response. This specialized yodeling sends a complex message to the creatures around it causing them to smile and sing kumbaya. The snail is incidental and probably just lunch.

Inspired by a writing prompt at Mindlovemisery Menagerie


3 thoughts on “Buckholderia terrae

  1. Reblogged this on dshawniee and commented:

    How cool is that.


  2. Your story made me smile and chuckle all along while reading, and it sparked my imagination. Thank you for it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We all have to come from somewhere… to be honest (I am not good with photo capture) I got this photo too, the first time…but it didn’t fit well with the other pieces to my puzzle.

    It reminds me of a trip I had and my first time snorkeling…


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